Custom Home Search

Simply complete the information below and we’ll create you your very own Custom Home Search. As an added benefit, whenever a new house that meets your criteria comes on the market, you’ll be the first to know as we’ll automatically send you a email with all the details.

Please select the Type of Property you are interested in.
Please select the City(s) you are interested in.
Please enter your Maximum Budget here.
If you prefer a specific Level, please select from here.
Please select the minimum number of Bedrooms you desire here.
Please select the minimum number of Bathrooms you desire here. Please round up for 1/2 baths.
Please select the minimum number of Garage Spaces you desire here.
Please select the minimum number of Square Feet you desire here.
Please select the appropriate Age of the house you desire here.
Please list any "Must Have Features" here. For example: swimming pool, separate family/living areas, large lot, preferred schools, etc...
Please list any features that you absolutely do NOT want here. For example: small lot, next to a school, backs up to a busy street, etc...
List anything else you want us to know here.

To whom and where do you want us to send your Custom Home Search?

As soon as we complete your Custom Home Search, we will email it to you. This normally takes less than 24 hours.

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